Deepti Sur


Technical content whiz with deep intercultural competence

Deepti has the academic depth and broad experience to guide any content project. She combines a Master’s degree in publishing and communication with practical experience in technical writing and editing, and excellent insight into readers’ needs.

In our connected, multicultural world, Deepti understands that information needs and literacy levels vary. Deepti’s ability to empathise with readers from diverse cultures means that her work is always relevant, respectful, and appropriate. Being culturally sensitive helps her communicate effectively with all our clients and build strong, trusting relationships.

Transforming complex content into clear, concise copy

At Write, Deepti has worked on guidance and policy documents for clients in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. She’s nurtured complex copy into clear and helpful information for readers of finance, insurance, and technology clients.

Throughout her professional experience and academic journey, Deepti has worked with people from the US, UK, India, China, Hong Kong, Australia, and Aotearoa New Zealand. Deepti firmly believes that plain language is a democratic right that gives everyone an equal and fair opportunity to participate in society — a simple but powerful tool to create a better world.

Deepti’s areas of specialty

All our consultants have the skills and smarts to make any project a success. But they each have special passions too.

Deepti really loves:

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